Margie Faulk is a senior level human resources professional with over 15 years of HR management and compliance experience. A current Compliance Advisor for HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Margie, has worked as an HR Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profit sectors. Margie has provided small to large businesses with risk management strategies that protect companies and reduces potential workplace fines and penalties from violation of employment regulations. Margie is bilingual (Spanish) fluent and Bi-cultural.
Margie’s area of expertise includes Criminal Background Screening Policies and auditing, I-9 document correction and storage compliance, Immigration compliance, employee handbook development, policy development, sexual harassment investigations/certified training, SOX regulations, payroll compliance, compliance consulting, monitoring US-based federal, state and local regulations, employee relations issues, internal investigations, HR management, compliance consulting, internal/external audits, and performance management.
Margie is a speaker and accomplished trainer and has created and presented compliance seminars/webinars for over 16 US and International compliance institutes. Margie has testified as a compliance subject matter expert (SME) for several regulatory agencies and against regulatory agencies, thank goodness not on the same day. Margie offers compliance training to HR professionals, business owners, and leadership to ensure compliance with workplace and regulations.
Margie’s unique training philosophy includes providing free customized tools for all attendees. These tools are customized and have been proven to be part an effective risk management strategy. Some of the customized tools include the I-9 Self Audit. Correction and Storage program, Ban the Box Decision Matrix Policy that Employers can provide in a dispute for allegations, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Compliance Guide, Drug-Free Workplace Volatile Termination E-Book and other compliance program tools when attendees register and attend Margie’s trainings.
Margie holds professional human resources certification (PHR) from the HR Certification Institution (HRCI) and SHRM-CP certification from the Society for Human Resources Management. Margie is a member of the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics (SCCE).
This training will focus on 2024 regulations that had deadlines that Employers missed due to waiting for decisions by the court assuming that they will dodge the bullet instead of making changes t…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Figuring out how to navigate and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act can be difficult in itself. So when FMLA or Workers’ Compensation are also involved, confusion about how each la…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
If there’s ever a time to rethink your handbook, it’s now. The timeliness has less to do with the 2024 year — the obvious time to roll out a replacement handbook — an…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 75 Minutes
Learn How Misclassifications Can be a Legal Nightmare for Employers!
The new independent contractor rule from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) could spark an increase…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Starting September 3, 2024, federally regulated employers must submit an annual declaration about their pay equity plan's development and posting. Federally regulated employers with 10 or more…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Emotional Intelligence refers to your ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, recognize and respond to the emotions of others and build effective relationships at work. Developing self-…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
Now the new I-9 Form has been in place in 2024, it is time to learn how the new changes have made the I-9 form correction process have impacted Employers and professionals on how they make correct…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Employers should know that the employee handbook is one of the documents that is reviewed by attorneys who are looking to sue them. Having an employee handbook is critical to a company and having …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Many HR Professionals and supervisors have had difficulty documenting negative performance and proper disciplinary actions for many years. Even the best supervisors find this part of the disciplin…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Employers should know that the employee handbook is one of the documents that is reviewed by attorneys who are looking to sue them. Having an employee handbook is critical to a company and updatin…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
If there’s ever a time to rethink your handbook, it’s now. The timeliness has less to do with the fast-approaching new year — the obvious time to roll out a replacement handbook — and more to do …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Despite civil rights laws and advancements in women’s economic status, wage discrimination still persists in every state and virtually every occupation. Women who work full time, year-round …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The DOL is expected to increase the salary threshold for various overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The proposed changes will impact Employers and employees.…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
About one in five American workers—approximately 30 million people—are bound by a non-compete clause and are thus restricted from pursuing better employment opportunities. A non-compet…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The U.S. Senate passed two acts that help working moms who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (k…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
New I-9 Form for August 1, 2023
New Announcement by DHS! On July 21, 2023, New I-9 Form with all the proposed changes. Effective August 1, 2023, Employers will use the updat…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The EEO-1 reporting deadline has become a moving target, so covered employers need to sharpen their data collection and be ready to upload. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The I-9 form preparation, correction, and internal/external audit is still a headache and even a nightmare for Employers and professionals. Based on the new updates, this training will identify th…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Employers have always avoided the termination either because it is not easy to terminate someone or because it can be difficult to defend any allegations of wrongful termination. Cases of wrongful…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
A new I-9 Form is in the works! The still confusing HR onboarding document used to record employment eligibility verification, as required by the federal government, is slated to undergo a signifi…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Many companies have challenges keeping track of and keeping up with all the workplace laws and regulations that impact companies with more than 20 employees when they are in one state. Think of th…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the enforcement arm for the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) protects employees in the workplace from discrimination with the authority to inv…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
In an announcement posted on the EEO-1 reporting website, EEOC reiterated the “tentatively scheduled” opening of the 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection portal to be April 12, 2022,…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Did you know that Employee Handbooks can be a risk or a benefit for Employers? For years an Employee Handbook has been one of the first documents employment law attorneys request when they are pla…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Although COVID-19 has shifted their focus on Vaccines in the workplace, the Department of Homeland Security continues to extend flexibility for remote employees when completing their I-9 Forms. DH…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
As immigration remains at the center of national attention, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is not just stepping up its enforcement efforts at the border they are increasing their effort…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The Department of Labor (Department) is seeking information from the public regarding the regulations implementing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA or the Act). The Department is pub…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Are you aware of the new policy plan for your employee handbook in the coming year of 2020? Are your employees gaining the right insights about your firm with the employee handbook of 2020? Every …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The DOL Overtime Regulations has now passed!
DOL's New Overtime Rule: Effective in 2020. Began January 1, 2020, Employers will have to comply with a new overtime rule, estimated to affec…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Are you aware of the new policy plan for your employee handbook in the coming year of 2020? Are your employees gaining the right insights about your firm with the employee handbook of 2020? Every …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The New I-9 Form is here! The good news is that the USCIS has changed some of the Form I-9 instructions to help clarify a few points of confusion (more on that below). The bad news is that there a…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Many employers are oblivious to the compounding risk as well as they are quite simply unaware of the I9 documents penalties and fines. Moreover, these employers are under the impression that I9 do…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
The H-1B program allows companies in the United States to temporarily employ foreign workers in occupations that require the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized k…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Close to 90% of employers conduct background checks on some segment of their employees/job applicants. Conducting background checks is a normal part of business especially if you want to have a sa…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
Many companies have challenges keep track and keeping up with all the workplace laws and regulations that impact companies with more than 20 employees when they are in one state. Think of the chal…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking effects the workplace more than we know. Domestic violence in all its many forms spills over to the workplace. It impacts, absenteeism, turnover, hig…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 110 Minutes
Want to avoid IRS penalties for mistakes on Form 1099? Yes, make sure staff has exercised due diligence. Due Diligence involves a written Plan, training staff, and monitoring staff to determine if…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes