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Current and future labor shortages will continue to drag down your company’s growth, performance, profitability, and ability to keep customers coming back – and doing more business with you. When employees know that what they do matters, regardless of their position in the company, teamwork, engagement, and productivity go up – and the measure is as high as 40%, at little to no extra cost. When employees continually operate from their strengths and know that they are the company to the customer, the increase can be even greater. This is exactly what exceptional leaders know that average managers do not when it comes to employee training, retention, and motivation. 

As leaders, we often think that employees work for money, above all else, leading us to believe that we have no influence over their motivations. But the good news is that money isn't the biggest motivator after all. Research shows three non-cash motivators – praise from immediate managers, attention from top managers, and a chance to lead projects – were just as or even more effective motivators than cash bonuses, a pay raise, or stock options. While a financial incentive may provide a short-term boost, praise, recognition, and career advancement are all far more powerful in the long term. So sure, money is important. And it only goes so far.

  • Create "Raving Fans" for your business from exceptional customer satisfaction
  • Adapt the 5 fundamental qualities of leadership that inspire and engage your talent
  • Get a clear understanding of the 3 keys to improving productivity, retention, and morale called S.A.M. 
        - Setting high expectations
        - Acknowledgement and
        - Making a difference by believing in people’s future
  • Embrace the three questions to ask yourself every day to reach your goals
  • Model what sets exceptional leaders apart from poorer performers
  • Understand the 2 main reasons for employee turnover and how to remedy it

Bonus: Receive and test drive the four self-tests that measure and support engagement, retention, and long-term loyalty

  • Self-Test: Rating Your Soft Skill Leadership Attributes (employee loyalty focus)
  • Self-Test: Confidential Leadership Empowerment Survey (employee retention)
  • COACH – Coaching Skills Self-Assessment (how to coach, empower, be coached)
  • My L.I.S.T. – how to get to know the driving/ motivation side of an employee

Every organization needs fully engaged, caring, committed and empowered employees in order to grow the business, improve the measure of customer satisfaction and succeed. Accountability with engagement equals profitability. With the right skills, education, and encouragement, you will build and sustain champions for current and new projects to grow the company. If you are suffering from the ‘productivity puzzle,’ the slowing of employee productivity in spite of improved technology, this will boost the results.

Everyone is involved in improving the customer/patient experience through a very effective staff engagement, development, and training process. That would include CEOs, CNOs, HR and Customer Service Supervisors, and Managers.

Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into their personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership background provides him with proven experience that clients can relate to. A solid business background from a good cross-section of the industry includes: 

  • Charter Bank branch management, with special projects assigned from time to time of mortgage lending departments and seasonal savings bond drives,
  • Manager / Resident Representative for the VISA credit card Division of a legacy Bank, in charge of the entire Province of Alberta 
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company, which included expanding the market share and building retail stations
  • Grew an executive recruiting company from three employees to over 20, and set up a remote recruiting office in England 
  • Set up, owned, and managed a 24-hour-a-day, 365-days-a-year retail convenience store and gas bar business
  • As a hobby organizes and chairs election campaigns at every level of government
  • Active in several community associations in a leadership/board member role

He has been providing education keynotes, workshops, and webinars all across North America full-time for the past 27 years. Bruce now follows his passion – working with individuals and organizations to get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success. He shares practical, real-life examples on the most current topics people need, and each presentation includes a variety of complimentary additional resources, articles, and tools to support the content and measure skill levels.

The focus is on improving engagement and team building with the added value of aligning corporate strategy to create high-performance employees. The results are increased productivity for individuals, departments, and organizations; higher profitability; and increased customer and client satisfaction. Above all, the intent of every presentation is to ensure the implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment. Otherwise, why provide the training?

Clients include businesses, Government, education, non-profit associations, and health care. 

In 2016 Bruce published his first book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.

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