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Is your e-mail a “beast”? Does it take up too much time, cause distraction, and get in the way of productivity vs. helping with productivity? Without a system for “controlling the beast”, professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail “beast”, you should attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast. 
Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (featuring live and newly updated demos in popular programs like Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!)
Enhance your efficiency today and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!

  • Understand the nature of e-mail & information overload in today’s workplace
  • Have a strategy for “splitting” work, personal, and junk/spam e-mails for greater efficiency
  • Use a very simple “rule” for managing all incoming e-mails that allows for both greater speed and prioritization of those messages and embedded tasks
  • Learn how to convert e-mails quickly into tasks, contacts, and calendar items
  • Use embedded functions inside of your e-mail that allow you to “automate” certain common activities/messages
  • Greatly reduce distraction by setting up special notifiers and adjusting internal settings in both Outlook & and Gmail
  • Build a personal file “infrastructure” that can assist in achieving greater organization and possibly even “e-mail ZERO”!

  • Reasons people have overloaded mailboxes/read messages over and over.
  • A better e-mail “triage” strategy that takes advantage of not-well-known techniques in both MS Outlook and Gmail.
  • What to do with your e-mail when dealing with a crisis.
  • A discussion on how to label e-mails in both Outlook & and Gmail for easier search later.
  • A discussion on three different options for file management/organization.
  • A major time saver related to e-mail templates – how to make them “push button”.
  • Techniques for reducing distraction through rules, filters, and settings.
  • 8. A discussion of how to work e-mail start of the day and throughout the day.

E-mail information overload and distraction is an epidemic of its own in the global business world. Many business professionals spend 25% - 50% or more of each day trying to simply manage their e-mail, with less than 10% having any formal training on how to do so. Gained efficiencies can provide hours of additional productivity (and sanity) each week

CEOs, COOs, VP of Human Resources, Chief Learning Officers, Directors, Project Managers, Operation Managers and Supervisors, Team Leaders, and Human Resources Professionals.

Any working professional has some responsibility for managing e-mail messages as part of their job. (Yes, that is quite a broad target.) People who work in office-based and/or remote positions with significant use of e-mail for communications, meaning this could be people in corporate, governmental, academic, and nonprofit settings. I have spoken for groups in major corporate, mid-size professional firms (law, marketing, accounting), travel & tourism, academic professional (both secondary and post-secondary), governmental (local, state, and federal), and even small business owners that tend to often “do it all” themselves.

Randy Dean, the “E-mail Sanity Expert” ® is a professional speaker and expert on time & and e-mail management, effective organization, and the related use of technology. For more than 25 years, Randy has been leading programs for major corporate, university, association, and government audiences. Obsessed with time management and personal productivity, he left a successful career in major corporate, university, and nonprofit organizations to become a leading speaker and trainer. The author of former Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast and the new REBOOT version, and producer and creator of several highly-rated video self-study courses and a popular YouTube channel, he has led programs for thousands of satisfied and inspired students, managers, and professionals on being more productive with their time and life. His highly informative and entertaining programs leave audience members with immense immediately usable tools, strategies, and skills on how to better manage their time, technology, and information overload following their program experience.

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