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Randy Dean

Randy Dean, the “E-mail Sanity Expert” ® is a professional speaker and expert on time & and e-mail management, effective organization, and the related use of technology. For more than 25 years, Randy has been leading programs for major corporate, university, association, and government audiences. Obsessed with time management and personal productivity, he left a successful career in major corporate, university, and nonprofit organizations to become a leading speaker and trainer. The author of former Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast and the new REBOOT version, and producer and creator of several highly-rated video self-study courses and a popular YouTube channel, he has led programs for thousands of satisfied and inspired students, managers, and professionals on being more productive with their time and life. His highly informative and entertaining programs leave audience members with immense immediately usable tools, strategies, and skills on how to better manage their time, technology, and information overload following their program experience.

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