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Dilip M Parikh

Dilip M. Parikh is the president of the pharmaceutical technology devel­opment and consulting group DP­harma Group Inc. Parikh has more than 45 years of experience in product develop­ment, manufacturing, plant opera­tions, and process engineering at various major pharmaceutical companies in Canada and the U.S. Before starting DPharma Group, he held the position of vice president of operations and technology at Synthon Pharmaceuticals in North Carolina and vice president and general manager at Atlantic Pharmaceuti­cals Services in Maryland. 

He is the editor of “Handbook of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology” 3rd ed., and the author of the recently published book “How to Optimize fluid bed Process Technology” has authored several book chapters and articles on various pharma­ceutical technologies, including quality by design, pro­cess assessment, and contract manufacturing. He has been an invited speaker at scientific conferences world­wide on solid-dosage technologies development and manufacturing.

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