Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into their personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership background provides him with proven experience that clients can relate to. A solid business background from a good cross-section of the industry includes:
He has been providing education keynotes, workshops, and webinars all across North America full-time for the past 27 years. Bruce now follows his passion – working with individuals and organizations to get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success. He shares practical, real-life examples on the most current topics people need, and each presentation includes a variety of complimentary additional resources, articles, and tools to support the content and measure skill levels.
The focus is on improving engagement and team building with the added value of aligning corporate strategy to create high-performance employees. The results are increased productivity for individuals, departments, and organizations; higher profitability; and increased customer and client satisfaction. Above all, the intent of every presentation is to ensure the implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment. Otherwise, why provide the training?
Clients include businesses, Government, education, non-profit associations, and health care.
In 2016 Bruce published his first book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.
This presentation is all about utilizing proven short and long-term strategies and communication skills to achieve the best outcome for you and the person you are dealing/negotiating with. The end re…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
In today’s demanding business climate that has an accelerated focus on treating workers right, it is so important to engage their issues with timely action, tact, and communication skills th…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Bad attitudes, jealousy, and disruptive behavior will sabotage your organization's morale, lower self-esteem, and reduce teamwork and productivity. When toxic behavior infects a department, ma…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Whatever happened to respect and civil behavior?
What is the cost when we lose both? Uncivil behavior, left unaddressed, begins a downward spiral you and your employees can’t afford. I…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
In today’s demanding business climate that has an accelerated focus on treating workers right, it is so important to engage their issues with timely action, tact, and communication skills th…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
What is the issue that you are challenged with? Uncontrolled negative behavior in the workplace, offensive language, constant and undeserved criticism, personal hygiene, inappropriate clothing, re…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
How successful are you ready to be?
This session is a common sense and a revitalizing approach to marketing, networking, and most importantly, utilizing the power of customer satisfacti…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
Stress is a killer— to you and to employee engagement, empowerment, productivity, morale and a sense of accomplishment. When your self-esteem goes down, and your reputation and the work you …
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes