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Although the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)was enacted 29 years (1993) ago the workplace still has problems complying with its requirements. Sometimes that required compliance is ignored because either the employer or the employee is not aware of their obligations, rights, or both. This webinar is designed to make compliance easier to understand regardless of if it is a first-line supervisor, manager or leave/benefits administrator, or employee.

The advent of the FMLA made it a workplace priority to give employees the ability to balance the demands of work and family and mandated a path/system for how that can be accomplished but also by simultaneously meeting the needs of the employer. But like all systems/paths, there are processes and rules to follow and even though the FMLA has been in existence for 29 years it can still be a confusing area for compliance. However, in order to assist parties in better navigating their FMLA compliance this webinar will provide step-by-step information on each of the events that take place during the FMLA process from start to finish so everyone will be aware of their compliance obligations.

Do you know if you are an eligible employer under FMLA or what the criteria are for employees to also comply with to qualify as eligible for protection under the FMLA? Or are you prepared to identify and comply with all exceptions under FMLA or if there should be changes in an employee’s circumstances? If you want to know all you can and need to answer these questions and more about FMLA leave then this webinar is for you!

Participants will have an increased understanding of and be better able to assist in the areas of:-

  • Identifying covered employers
  • General notice requirements 
  • Employee’s obligation to provide notice.
  • Employee eligibility
  • Rights and responsibilities notice.
  • Qualifying reasons for FMLA leave.
  • The certification processes.
  • Military Family Leave
  • Employer’s resignation notice
  • Rules for scheduling and taking FMLA leave.
  • Calculating FMLA leave
  • Substitution of paid leave
  • Maintenance of benefits
  • Restoration of employee/Right to Return to Work
  • Record-keeping requirements.
  • Interaction with other Federal and State Laws and Employee Policies.

It’s been said that “ignorance of the law is no excuse” and that “What you don’t know can hurt you.” This was never truer than with the FMLA. That’s because it is unlawful for an employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to exercise any rights provided by FMLA. 

It is also unlawful for an employer to discharge or discriminate against any individual for opposing any practice, or because of involvement in any proceeding related to FMLA. So, all the more reason to become as knowledgeable as possible regarding one’s FMLA compliance obligations is to avoid any legal complications. 

Do all first-line supervisors, managers, or other staff including the employees know what to do when an FMLA issue comes up? Have they been given a road map that clearly gives them the step-by-step guidance they need to steer their way to compliance? 

This webinar is designed to fill such gaps so all can navigate these tricky compliance waters.

  • All level managers
  • Supervisors, and executives
  • All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel
  • All levels of Human Resources and especially benefits and leaves areas/administrators.
  • All levels of Union representation and officers (stewards, Business Representatives, Business Managers, Presidents, and all officers/ board members).

Bob Oberstein's career in Human Resources and Labor Relations spans over 48 years. Bob is uniquely qualified in this area having started out as a third-generation Union member who has represented both sides of the labor management table in both the public and private sectors in both the non-union and union workplace.

As an Interest Based facilitator he trained and coached parties on how to constructively process their negotiations to a successful conclusion thereby promoting and enhancing their relationship. Bob has also served the labor management community as a neutral fact finder, mediator and arbitrator for multiple organizations and agencies such as the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, American Arbitration Association, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Tucson Unified School District, Phoenix Employment Relations Board, Arizona Department of Education, United States Postal Service, and being a Special Master mediating and arbitrating disputes between, Fry's Food Stores & UFCW, Local 99. Several of his arbitration awards have been published by the Bureau of National Affairs as well as Commerce Clearing House and are referenced in How Arbitration Works by Elkouri & Elkouri, often considered the consummate reference in the field of arbitration. Bob was recognized in 1991 by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service's "Director's Lifetime Achievement Award" for promoting positive labor management relations.

Also significant in his background are the positions of Labor Relations Administrator for EBASCO Services (nuclear power plant construction for both Florida and Louisiana Power & Light); Senior Labor Relations Administrator for the Salt River Project, the local water and power utility in Phoenix, Arizona; Executive Human Resources Director for the Washington Elementary School District (largest elementary school district in Arizona); Labor Relations Administrator and chief spokesperson for the City of Phoenix, Arizona; and most recently Labor Relations Manager in the northwest United States. Bob is also a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, International Public Management Association and the National Public Employers Labor Relations Association and has been recognized by these organizations as achieving certified professional and senior certified professional status.

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