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Are you someone who steers clear conversations about race? Perhaps you've had fears of things going wrong or doubts about your ability to handle such discussions. You're not alone - in fact, many people avoid talking about race in the US and across the globe. A 2020 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management revealed that 37% of both white and Black workers felt uneasy when discussing racial issues at work. Additionally, 45% of Black workers and 30% of white workers reported that their workplaces discourage conversations about racism and social justice. It's time to change that!

  • Participants Will Leave Equipped With the following:
  • Effectively create a safe space for necessary conversations.
  • Assess your current communication skills.
  • Say goodbye to avoiding uncomfortable conversations.
  • Utilize the art of curiosity.
  • Implement the R.E.M method to Winning Conversations.

  • Creating a safe space
  • Assessing Communication Skills
  • Racial bias
  • How to interact during difficult conversations
  • How to be curious
  • Implementation of the REM method

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of why the conversation is important to have in the workplace and learn how to address a topic that was once taboo in a way where barriers come down and necessary conversations take place. If you truly want to have a healthy, thriving, and inclusive workplace this topic can no longer be swept under the rug. People are not being hired, promoted, being demoted just based on their skin tone or even hairstyle.

 HR, and those who have a diverse workforce.

Kenston Henderson is a highly respected Professional Speaker, Facilitator, and Group Coach with extensive experience in Human Resources and helping individuals and teams reach their full potential. He delivers talks on leadership, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), resilience, and workplace culture transformation, and has helped numerous organizations address challenging issues such as bias and conflict.

Despite the pandemic, Kenston's impact has continued to grow, with virtual presentations reaching audiences across the globe. He has delivered hundreds of in-person presentations in the United States and received the Dr. Astell Collins Generation Leader Award in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenston is a sought-after TEDx Signature Speaker and certified Maxwell Leadership Speaker & Trainer. He is also the author of the book "Parenting Like a Boss: Intentionally Committed and Winning Conversations Workbook". Kenston is a devoted husband and father, an advocate for the underrepresented, and passionate about creating positive change in the world. In 2022 Kenston created Cultural Transformation In the Workplace Online Course.

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