A recent Georgetown University study revealed that dealing with challenging employees resulted in an increase in workplace absence, decrease in discretionary effort and a severe decline in performance. Challenging employees have a rippling effect on those around them and not usually a good one. But what can we do about it? This webinar will provide tools and strategies for neutralizing the negative impact of the seven most challenging employee types.
Participants will be able to
Participants will walk away with proven strategies that work in specific situations when dealing with the most challenging people. How to neutralize the situation, how to reduce the impact on your performance and your work as well as how to bring out the best in others will be explored.
The session will offer effective approaches for the following:
Meloney Dosunmu is a national and international speaker, trainer, consultant and recognized expert on human resources, leadership and management. She has over 25 years of experience in the profession, most recently as Global HR Director for Thermo Fisher Scientific. Meloney’s clients are scientific, healthcare, manufacturing, non-profit, association, education and government organizations from both the private and public sector. Meloney Dosunmu has published several articles and publications on topics related to business, leadership and communication. She has spoken on leadership and various related topics at local, national and international conferences, and delivered training in Europe, APAC, South America and North America. She is the recipient of the prestigious Women of Distinction Award from the Girl Scouts of Eastern PA for extraordinary leadership. Ms. Dosunmu has an MBA degree and a bachelor’s degree in counseling. She is an adjunct instructor of Human Resources Management for DeSales University in Center Valley PA and for Cedar Crest College in Allentown PA. She also serves as a moderator/facilitator for Harvard Business Publishing, and the Association for Talent Development.